Small interview with Simon Anthony, Green candidate in Northbury, Barking and Dagenham

 Small interview with Simon Anthony, Green candidate in Northbury, Barking and Dagenham

  • Why a Green candidate in Northbury?

Well, it’s the same reason there should be Green candidates in any borough and anywhere on the planet. We all face the problems of environmental degradation and the catastrophe of the COVID attack that has forced us all to think about our lifestyles. The war in Ukraine at the moment is another example of resource force: people scrambling over the remaining oil. Greens are saying we should use alternative energies like solar power, which is particularly easy to use. We’ve been waiting forever for people to know that there is an environmental cost to everything we do, but individuals should not need to change their lifestyles. It is perfectly possible for everyone to have as much as they need and a little bit more if things are distributed correctly and not wasted. Things can be maintained and recovered, reused, and when they can’t be, they can be recycled to be turned into something else. We have all the knowledge we need to put this planet right, we just need to do it. The reason we don’t do it is because there’s an amount of money and effort put into generating the infrastructure which got us to this level of civilisation. The infrastructure that got us here is still working, it’s getting harder to maintain and to fuel and the big businesses are still trying to scrape the last pennies or billions out of the stock they invested in existing infrastructure, but they are changing. 

  • Why do you think the Greens are the best alternative as a party?

We know that minor parties are only minor if the media considers us to be. The fact that I had been doing things like these, moving from being completely ignored through being laughed at to now being thought of as dangerous, and people realising we were right all along, shows there’s no alternative but to follow the Green lead. We’ve known these problems were coming for decades literally, and we’ve been doing our best to help people avoid them, but we failed and I’m very sorry, because we couldn’t make people understand or believe the dangers we were heading towards, and now we’re all suffering because of that. 

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