
Lorena Serantes is a young political scientist from North West Spain that has developed a strong interest in British politics from the beginning of her studies in the city of Santiago de Compostela. She is a graduate in Political Science and Public Administration and has a Master's degree in International Relations from the Valencian International University. 

Her main interests are far right politics, parties and elections and nationalisms. She analysed the political discourse of the British radical right and has also written a paper on the Scottish National Party's plans for a second independence referendum. 

She is disabled since birth but that hasn't kept her from doing what she likes: listening to music, participating in politics and broadening her knowledge of the English language. She wishes to move to the UK one day and work for a major political party or an MP.

This is her blog, where she will be uploading some material like interviews with candidates, analyses of current events and some more.

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